Natural Ways to Boost Your Mood

It is normal for us to feel low in mood from time to time, we are only human. For help navigating those low moments and life’s ups and downs, here are some tips that have helped me, especially through my mental health struggles, to boost and manage my mood from day to day.

  • Stay active – I always like to mention this tip because it has helped me the most. A 10–20-minute walk, run, yoga, training in the gym, stretching, anything to get your body moving and releasing those endorphins.
  • Stay present – Overthinking and worrying about situations, the future or the past can be paralysing and does not benefit you in any way, it just causes distress and discomfort. Focus on the present and let go of things you cannot control.
  • Get a good night’s sleep – This is such an important one and can have a massive impact on boosting your mood and decreasing stress and irritability. Getting into a good sleeping pattern can have a positive impact on your mental health. However, I know this is easier said than done sometimes so I will do another blog post on tips for getting a good night’s sleep.
  • Practice gratitude – This is something I have implemented into my life, and I was genuinely shocked at the difference this makes to my mood, recognising the things I have and am grateful for makes me feel much more positive about my life and makes me feel uplifted, give it a go.
  • Have a balanced diet – You don’t have to eat healthy 100& of the time, this is unrealistic, but being mindful about what you are eating can be a massive help to increasing your mood. When you nourish your body, you nourish your brain. Getting your protein in, complex carbs, nutrients and vitamins can help elevate your mood, however, it is also equally important to allow yourself to have a treat now and then and eat your favourite comfort foods. Maintaining a balanced diet will increasingly help with your mood.

I hope you have found these tips helpful and use these tips if you are feeling low a need a bit of a mood boost, these are all things that have worked for me, so I hope you find them useful for you too. These tips will always be here for you to come back to whenever you need them.

Lots of love x