Book Recommendations for Mental Health and Motivation

Reading books about mental health was never something I was interested in and didn’t think it would help me, however, after a few years of struggling, I decided to give it a go and see if there were any books out there that could help with my mental health and also to help motivate me and see there is a more positive way of living.

Here are my top books that I have read more than once and sometimes go back to if I find myself struggling or need some inspirational words…

Book 1 – The Mind Manual by Dr Alex George

The title speaks for itself, this book is packed with mental health tools for you to access and use throughout your life and to help you exercise your mind with a mental health toolkit. This book has massively helped me with my mental health, and I now use these tools daily to help navigate my mental struggles, it is such an easy read and a book you can go back to and start at any page to remind yourself of all the different tools. It is also filled with amazing motivational quotes that inspire you. If you struggle with your mental health you don’t want to give this book a miss.

Book 2 – Atomic Habits by James Clear

This book is incredible and one I will never forget; it is a self-help book built on the notion that small changes can spark such powerful and amazing transformations in your life… and it works. I started following James Clear’s 1% better each day rule and I found this to be so helpful and eye-opening. Reading this book and following the advice has massively helped me keep motivated, put less pressure on myself, better myself more and more each day, and know that I can make a difference in my life. It is an unbelievable book and one you will thank yourself for reading.

If you have been looking for some useful books to read for mental health and motivation, these are the two I would start with and highly recommend, I love going back to these books when I feel I need some mental health support or to feel inspired. If you decide to give these a go, let us know what you think, and I hope you find them as helpful as I have.

Lots of love x